Daily Questions
I direct things I'm trying to develop by setting up certain "forcing functions". Thinking about something deeply, simplifying and taking the time to put systems in place that make it effortless to be consistent. The biggest opportunity to explore this is at the bookends of the day, creating effective morning and evening routines. For years, I've used two key questions to standardize and prompt my thinking. "What are you grateful for?" in the morning, and "why did today matter?" at night.
With things like this, it's important to think long term. Make it simple enough to be sustainable. I initially tried a number of things, but have condensed into a process which I find simple, effective, and reliable. Using a site/application called idonethis.com, the two questions are sent directly to my email inbox. After reflecting, I type a response, press send, and it's documented. I love this app because it will randomly show you your response from a week, month or year ago. All your responses are also searchable, so I now have over 3 years of valuable insight into my thinking. Every Sunday, I make time to review and transfer my responses into a notebook to use during my year end review. This is just one example of a system that has developed in my life, the type of refined process I constantly aim for.
What are you grateful for? Why did today matter? Two things to think about daily and use as a way to develop gratitude and reflection.