Purpose. Defining the Direction

As I begin, I want to be clear as to where my writing is headed. What is the point of writing down my thoughts? Why spend valuable time trudging through my mind, why go through the difficulty of giving expression to ideas? Where do I see this headed, what are some of the things I am going to write about?  

I plan to write about things that are of interest to me, in hopes that you may be experiencing something similar and may benefit from an in-depth look at the thought process, an expansion upon interesting subjects.

This serves as a place to condense my thoughts. It began as a way for me to collect my scattered writing, explore my many interests and share them. I will keep my posts refined and to the point, condensing my flow of consciousness into coherent and actionable takeaways. In essence this is the point of my writing. To distill my thoughts, to explore concepts in depth, and to define my thinking. There are few sharper tools than writing to accomplish this, and it is both a great and frightening feeling to see the work of your mind on the screen in front of you, knowing that it may also reach the eyes of another person. I keep this in mind as I write, and my goal in putting this together is not to achieve some sense of self-importance, but to generate helpful and meaningful writing that will be useful.  

I will write a lot about systems. I will write about experiments I run, testing of accumulated knowledge. Ideas are great, but ultimately useless if not acted upon, applied in different contexts and brought to life. That is where our power lies as living beings. The ability each day to bring our ideas into existence, to use the wisdom we've gained in situations that call for it. I will write about the systematic approach to different aspects of life, exploring some of the tools and frameworks I use to increase effectiveness and get the most out of the days I am alive. 

Life these days seems to be a balancing act between a constant flow of inputs, acquiring information and knowledge and then making use of it, acting upon it and generating our own outputs shaped from this material. After building that base of knowledge, exploring the basic principles, life is about choosing where you are going to dive deep, which subjects you are going to follow down the rabbit hole. I will write about my exploration of this endlessly fascinating journey through life.

It's so much easier to let your mind retreat to lazy habits, to make it feel like you've accomplished something by filling your head with yet another chunk of information you are unlikely to apply. It is a lot safer to read one more article, to justify it by assuring yourself that this will someday be useful. This process of reflection, of acting on information and crafting something new from it is difficult. 

The essence of my objective here is to re-balance the input/output equation in my life.


Journey to Inner Space

