There are a lot of components involved in writing. Having something to say. Knowing how to say it, making the words match up with the idea you have in mind. But the most important is the ability to finish. To bring thoughts through to completion. It requires long periods of focus, and a willingness to hit publish. At some point you need to make the switch from collecting knowledge to connecting and producing work of your own.
Having ideas is easy. Plenty of them run through your mind each day. You might even write some of them down. You think, oh, I'll leave this here and work on it later. How often do those half formed thoughts sit waiting to be brought to life? The systems you create to capture information should have results they intend to produce. If your approach isn't producing consistent results, it's time to change things up.
Resolve to sit with things when you get uncomfortable. Take 10 minutes and continue typing until there is some structure to your thinking. This might only bring out one usable sentence. You may only put out a paragraph for the day. But it's progress.
With writing, you never really finish. But maybe you complete this one piece. And then you go work on the next.