“Philosophy is not just spending a lot of time inside your own head but articulating what you find there, fleshing it out and turning it into something”
Like many worthwhile pursuits, writing requires discipline. It's often in the last 5 minutes of an hour long writing session that you find a sense of rhythm and flow.
In order to get there, you need to become comfortable with the 55 minutes of struggle it takes to achieve those 5 minutes of clarity. And you need to do it repeatedly. There's all of these thoughts and connections floating around that seem to make sense until you try to articulate and capture them on the page. The tendency is to avoid that struggle and to develop an unjustified confidence in your delicate ideas. But what contribution of yours is missing because you're not willing to be temporarily uncomfortable?
There should be a framework in place that allows you to overcome resistance. If the systems you've worked to set up aren't producing results, it's important to pause and figure out why. It's simple. Make the shift to ship daily. Knowing that there is a daily deadline that must be met causes you to see the world around you differently. It's also a forcing function for development of ideas you've been putting off.
For me, writing is a long term game. A project played out over a lifetime. As I approach the self-imposed deadline today, I still want to make changes, to add, to further edit. But also feels good to develop a habit.